Look Like Somebody Title

A one-of-a-kind approach developed for communities and corporate professionals through-out the United States.

Ricky’s Program Will Challenge Your Perspectives on Life

Watch the full feature documentary with the subject of the story, Ricky C. Simmons. Through powerful storytelling WMK Media and Ricky have created an engaging film that swiftly moves across the timeline of Ricky’s life of good and bad decision making.

Learn how he came to be the positive, upbeat but deadly serious man he is today. After 13 years of sobriety, counseling others and becoming a mentor to anyone willing to endure his “tough love” style, the Ricky C. Simmons experience allows you to get up close and personal with one of the most inspiring life stories of our time.

Enrollment in the Program Includes:

  • A screening of the documentary “Look Like Somebody” at location of your choice (60 min)
  • Live Question and Answer session with Ricky following the screening (30 min)
  • Official book and apparel signing meet and greet with Ricky (30 min)
  • Graphic Novel version of the film for all participants to reflect on Ricky’s Journey and their own path to “Looking Like Somebody”
  • Password protected access to full length interviews on the Look Like Somebody website for 30 days

Graphic Novel:

  • 24 Page, Full Color movie adaptation
  • Hand-drawn, original illustrations and graphics
  • Great signing piece for day of event
  • Excellent take-home piece for discussions about addiction and redemption
  • Can be customized with your logo on cover and back
  • Space for advertising on inside front and back covers

Ready to get Involved?

There are a couple different ways to do so. You can enroll your business to experience  the program at a site of your choosing, or you can become a sponsor of the program to help Ricky deliver his message across the country.

Please fill out the form below and a representative will be in touch with you shortly.

Why Donate?

Your donation funds go directly to the RCS7 Triumph Foundation that funds Ricky’s travel and speaking fees. Many areas of our country that need to hear Ricky’s life changing message are in underprivileged inner cities and impoverished neighborhoods. Every $6,000 provides one event scheduled in a community at no charge to the institute that is most in need.
You’ll be able to track Ricky’s progress as he travels the nation by logging on to looklikesomebody.com/progress to stay updated on the impact your donation is having.